Sydenham Street United Church is celebrating 15 years of being an Affirming Ministry in 2014!!!

Our congregation is planning several events throughout the year, beginning in March leading up to a celebration weekend on November 1st and 2nd, 2014.

Our events will include:

  • a sermon on Leviticus 19 – lifting up the word ‘abomination’;
  • potluck lunches hosted by the Affirm Group;
  • “Minutes” for Affirming during worship services;
  • hearing Ruth Wood’s story of being a trans woman and a United Church minister;
  • an Affirming Ministry Sunday;
  • creating a new Affirming Ministry banner;
  • participating in the Pride Parade in Kingston,
  • attending World Pride Day in Toronto and
  • a celebration and recommitment Sunday

At our celebration and recommitment Sunday, on November 2nd 2014, we will have the pleasure of welcoming special guest, Rev. Michael Blair, the Executive Minister, Church in Mission/L’Église en Mission, for The United Church of Canada.

Also, Michael has kindly offered to be the keynote speaker at a workshop at Sydenham Street UC on Saturday November 1st.  The workshop is being sponsored by the Affirming Ministries Action Group of the Bay of Quinte Conference in partnership with Sydenham Street UC.  We hope to attract participation from other United Churches in Bay of Quinte Conference as well as some of our ecumenical friends in the Kingston area.

We are looking forward to a Rainbow Year!!!

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